Delighting in the fear of the Lord

Behold the eye of the lord is on those who fear him on those who hope in his steadfast love.  

Psalm 33:18

Keystone Victoria has just come out of a season of fasting and prayer and for many of us, we are purposed to continue with our press.  For myself personally, I believe the Lord is leading me into a delight in the fear of the Lord.  Isaiah 11:3 said of this shoot, Jesus, that the spirit of the fear of the Lord was upon him and the fear of the Lord was his delight.  

The fear of the lord, the love of God and humility are inseparable.  As we press into one, we find the others at work.  We love Him and humble ourselves before him and in the fear of the Lord we walk out obedience.  We learn that what we live before him, becomes our life before others.  We aren’t one way before him and something else to others.  We may stumble, we may fall down, but with this heart, we are quick to repent and make all wrongs right.  

As we look at Jesus, we find a couple of verses that show us exactly what the fear of the Lord looks like.  From John 5:30 I can do nothing in my own.  As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will, but the will of him who sent me.  

From John 8: 28....I do nothing on my own authority, but speak just as the Father taught me. And he who sent me is with me.  He has not left me alone for I always do the things that are pleasing to him.

Jesus never separated his love for his Father from his obedience to Him.  Philippians chapter two shows us his humility.  As we study his humility, we learn “he humbled himself by becoming obedient” and lest we think differently, it wasn’t any easier for Jesus, the man, to willingly lay his life down than it is for us. We see this in his cry, “Father, if it’s possible, let this cup pass from me, nevertheless, not my will, but yours”.  The bible says he was in an agony, dropping sweat as blood.  This is the place of surrender for us all. Jesus, as a man, filled with the Holy Spirit, in relationship with his Father, believing His word, did exactly what we have to do when our “want to” is at odds with Gods.      

As His church, his body, here and now, we are exhorted to ~

 "bring holiness to completion in the fear of  the Lord" (2 Cor. 7:1)

"work out our salvation with fear and trembling" (Phil. 2:12)

 "be subject to one another in the fear of Christ" (Eph. 5:21)

 "love the brotherhood of believers and fear God, .." (1 Pet. 2:17)

 and  "live our lives as strangers here in reverent fear" (1 Pet. 1:17).

I take great comfort in knowing that the Holy spirit is our teacher and as we come to Him,

(Psalm 33:11 Come, O children, listen to me, I will teach you the fear of the Lord),  he will teach us to walk in the fear of the Lord and it will become our delight.  


Prepping for 2020


   ...easier for a camel to go thru the eye of a needle ...

Matthew 19:24

Commentaries tell us that the camel had to unload it’s baggage before it could go through this smaller gate built into the larger commercial gate.  Just like the camel, as we move forward, we must lay aside every weight that “so easily” slows us down.   We all carry mindsets allowing us to excuse, or validate, certain choices that are actually weights, as we run the race set before us. 

Jesus told his disciples that they had to become like little children to enter the Kingdom.  He said they had to turn, which meant the thoughts they were holding weren’t conducive to His.  

As we approach 2020, we enter into a place of introspection and hopefully realignment, to be more perfectly shaped by Him and for His purposes.  

Jesus teaches us in Matthew 7:13-14, “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. Did you notice that nobody has to find the broad way?  It’s the narrow way that must be sought and discovered and it’s the only way to promised life. 

My prayer for each of us as we lean into 2020, is a year filled with greater purpose and pursuit of our Lord, Master and King, yielding a satisfaction, peace and joy that only comes from knowing Him.

Happy New Year 



We have seen His Star

We have seen his ⭐️ and are come to worship Him. Matthew 2:2 

The Apostle John wrote in his first letter, 1Jn 1:1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon and have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life. :2  the life was made manifest, and we have seen it, and testify to it and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was made manifest to us—:3  that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. :4  And we are writing these things so that our joy may be complete.”

I think these four verses hold great revelation concerning intimacy with the Father and the Lord Jesus.  He must be heard and seen.  He desires to be touched and handled so that we may discover the life that flows from Him.  As ministers, the joy and crown we have is seeing others grow in their personal revelation and knowledge of God.  None of us have arrived and there remains so so much more to hear, see and experience with Him. 

My prayer for you this Christmas Season is that your fellowship with Jesus Christ, grows stronger and deeper as you Behold Him, the Morning star and worship Him. May He be your all consuming passion.  May He be the bread that feeds and sustains you. May He be the water that refreshes your soul’s longing.  May the light of His countenance not only shine upon you, but penetrate in and through you.  May your lives be the expression of His purity and holiness, bringing all glory to Him alone.

Merry Christmas with love, grace and peace to you.  Jeanne


Set in Order

“Thy kingdom come....”.  

Matthew 6.10

As Jesus taught his disciples to pray for the continued expression of His Kingdom to come, we understand, that for us to govern we must first be under government ourselves.

As we view Jesus earthly walk, we find this Kingdom we are praying for is not of this world. And while Jesus did have to contend with people, his battle was not with flesh and blood but with spiritual forces working behind the scenes.  We find Jesus’ word was with power and authority.  The natural worldly elements and all spiritual activity bowed to his commands. We find nothing that Jesus was not able to rule over and reign in.  

Keep in mind that any environment Jesus found Himself in, he was in by the will of God.  In adverse conditions Jesus stayed put, not because he was helpless, but rather by obedience, to establish the purposes of God.  Jesus himself said, “Satan is coming and has nothing in me, but that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go hence.“ 

As we pray, your Kingdom come, we are essentially asking and holding the expectation for our King to come and establish his government.  We are asking him first and foremost to rule and reign over us.  

Isaiah, in chapter nine, prophesies about this coming king and his kingdom, declaring that the government shall be upon His shoulder: of the increase of His government and the peace it carries that there shall be no end.  He comes to establish and uphold it with justice and with righteousness which always produces peace.

Jesus is the head of his body, the church, with individual members working to uphold His government with justice and righteousness, meaning, every member’s WILLING submission (obedience) to Him is required. Divine order having been established in us is a pre-requisite to government being exercised through us.  

Justice and righteousness simply can not be dispensed apart from the King.  We are called ambassadors for a reason.  We are Citizens of Heaven. We are simply living here, now, to serve at the King’s pleasure.  Jesus was the express image of the Father.  

Jesus told Pilate during His trial that He had no authority over him except what had been given to him from above. Jesus was not submitted to Pilate but rather to His Father.   Jesus had to submit to the will of the Father in all things for the Fathers purposes to be achieved. 

I don’t think we fully understand the need for order being in us before order is established in our environments.  Just because we know what the word says, does not mean that His word has full and final authority in our hearts.  We are called to be fully submitted, love wholeheartedly, serve willingly and faithfully... you get the idea.   The disciples question, why couldn’t we... was met with ‘this kind doesn’t come out without prayer and fasting’.

We know prayer and fasting are tools that shape us.  They are as much times of realignment with God and His purposes as they are standing in the gap for others.  Can the two really be separated?  Isn’t all prayer for the purpose of coming into agreement with His will and then praying from the place of knowing?  We either seek to know or know and seek for that will to be done.  The prayers of a “righteous” man avail much.  Righteous simply speaks to right order before God ~ Right standing, right ways, right thoughts, right words, all enable us to express Him rightly. 

Thy Kingdom come, includes a cry for His works to be manifested through us. With 

 right order pursued and working in us, we can be trusted.  We can speak to mountains they are moved because we speak not our own words. Because the Father shows us what to do and how to do it, we cast out devils they go, blind eyes see, deaf ears hear and captives are set free. We are fruitful and multiply His kingdom.  

Being just like Jesus, requires us, to be just like Jesus, in all things. 

Your Kingdom come, is a cry for His order and rule.  First and foremost, it has to be set up in us so that we can extend order and rule in our environments.  Without His order and rule over us we are simply lawless and we all know, power without righteous rule is harmful and dangerous.  

Acts three tells Jesus was a man attested to by God with mighty works and wonders and signs, that God did through him in their midst.  

Shall we be anything less?


Learning 101

Although he was a son, he learned obedience though what he suffered, and being made perfect he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him.  

    Hebrews 5:8-9

JT Hudsons translation reads, “he learnt, by what he suffered, how to obey.” 

Phil 2:12/13 ~

As you’ve always obeyed ... work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who works in you both to will and to work for His good pleasure.  

The Amplified translation adds; effectually at work in you energizing and creating in you the power and desire both to will and work for his good pleasure, satisfaction and delight.

And finally, Hebrews 12: 7;11.....

“It is for discipline that we have to endure God is treating you as sons...... For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”


My thought today is, there are things that God has prepared for us to walk in, that until we are “prepared”, we will not walk in them.  There is an alternate school of hard knocks and its teachers are pride and disobedience. We want to avoid that costly education. 

Since Jesus, as a son, learned how to obey, the course of our life will follow the same pattern with the same opportunities for suffering.  Jesus was never sick, broke or in any way unable to live victoriously in his circumstances, yet, he suffered many things at the hands of others that he submitted himself to in order to be “tempted in all points as we are, yet without sin”.  He was able to do so as He “committed himself to him who judges righteously.”

Would it, could it, possibly be easier for us to endure our temptations, tests and trials if we really believed that IN them there was something greater being worked IN us for the purpose of being worked THROUGH us?  Paul wrote to the Corinthians that there is no temptation that comes to us that God is not faithful to make a way of escape so we CAN bear it.  When Paul asked God, three different times, to deliver him from the persecution of the Jewish leaders, Gods response was, my grace is sufficient. Paul learned to call these temptations and trials momentary light afflictions, because he understood it was working a far greater weight of glory IN him.  

No temptation comes that is beyond our ability to endure it because grace abounds. In my moments of struggle, grace doesn’t seem to be the first thing I lean into. Yet in these verses today we can find strength to help, knowing that obedience is the first step to help our escape, whatever we are facing.  This obedience requires a submission on my part to the will and purposes of God - “humble yourself under the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time.”  

It is during these times of pressure that we have the opportunity to conform to the character of Christ. Whatever or whenever the outcome of our battles, if our character is made more Christlike we are winners indeed, having been more conformed to the image of the perfect son.  

How encouraging is it to know that God is the one at work in the midst of this. We are reminded that He works all things together for God to those who are called according to His purpose.  The purpose is conformity to the image of His son. 

So, as sons and daughters, the next time we hit trouble, let’s hold the thought that something good is working in us and lean into perfect obedience.  His perfect obedience created the source of eternal salvation for us and our obedience to Him is the indicator we are learning. 

Though he was a son, he learned obedience by the things he suffered.  


The Reluctant Giver


Each one must give as he has decided in his own heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion for GOD loves a cheerful giver. 

2 Corinthians 9:7 ESV

KJV~ Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

Williams translation~.   Each must give what he has purposed in his heart to give, not sorrowfully or under compulsion, for it is the happy giver that God loves. 

Most of us know that when Paul wrote this to the Corinthians, he was specifically talking to them about money. I want to enlarge the thought today by considering how we respond to any place that any kind of giving is asked of us. 

All three translations paint a little different picture for us, depending on how we personally understand the various words. 

  • Reluctant is shown to mean unwilling and hesitant; disinclined.

  • Grudgingly indicates a reluctant or resentful manner.

  • Sorrowful is feeling or showing grief:

From Vines Expository Dictionary of Old and NT words we learn these words are all renderings from the GR. LUPĒ (3077) which signifies pain, of body or mind; it is used in the plural in 1 Pet. 2:19 only, R.V., “griefs” (A.V., “grief”); here, however, it stands, by metonymy, for ‘things that cause sorrow,’ 

Recently we saw this word (LUPE) used in John 16:6 where Jesus has said “because I have said these things to you, sorrow (LUPE) has filled your heart. From 2 Cor  7:10 we find godly “LUPE” produces repentance.  From Luke 24.45 we see the word LUPE used once again where Jesus, in the garden, finds his disciples sleeping for “sorrow”.

This condition affects my readiness of mind, willingness of heart and prompt to do it giving. Proverbs speaks about the one withholding more than is right but it only tends to poverty.  God desires for us to prosper, spirit, soul and body. Could our LUPE (sorrowful) giving from our spirit, soul or body be creating the poverty in our life?

Paul wrote, God loves a cheerful giver and of course this wouldn’t be right without adding the amplified translation ~

2 Corinthians 9:7 (AMP):..... (He takes pleasure in, prizes above other things, and is unwilling to abandon or to do without) a cheerful (joyous, “prompt to do it”) giver [whose heart is in his giving]. 

Cheerful ("won over, already inclined") is only used in 2 Cor. 9:7, where it describes spontaneously, non-reluctant giving, someone who is cheerfully ready to act because they are already approving, already persuaded.  

If God loves a cheerful giver I wonder how he feels about the reluctant or sorrowful one?Do we excuse our heart condition thinking we can sort it later and it will be ok?  I don’t know about you but I find the longer I leave unbelief the harder it is to sort it.  Somehow, all my thoughts and perceptions begin to seem right.

2 Corinthians 8:12–13 (ESV): For if the readiness  [eager disposition which is pre-inclined, already "ready and willing"] is there, it is acceptable according to what a person has, not according to what he does not have.

Acceptable according to what a person has simply means God never asks us to do something we are not capable of doing.   We either have the means or the grace to do it.  The ready and willing heart is up to us because this is the place where we own what we believe God is requiring of us.  

Each one must give as he has decided in his own heart, not reluctantly!



WAIT and listen, everyone who is thirsty! Come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Yes, come, buy [priceless, spiritual] wine and milk without money and without price [simply for the self-surrender that accepts the blessing].”

Isaiah 55:1 (AMP):

My “Good Word’ from Psalm twenty-three, talked about an invite to come and dine, and here from Isaiah, we find another invitation to come.  I like the amplified version here; it notes the only thing required to have His provision is the self surrender that accepts the blessing. 

Beyond the natural, tangible, good things God wants to add to our lives, He considers His word the greatest blessing we could ever receive.  Therefore, the invitation to come and eat is primary.  Did you notice His offer costs you nothing, yet the provision it gives is priceless?

Heavenly Provision begins with our agreement with God.  Amos 3.3 asks how can two walk together unless they be agreed.  Jesus said a house divided can not stand.   This place of provision requires our position of oneness with the father.  Alignment with his thoughts are required to be one with the Father and where we don’t agree with him WE must realign.  

The wrong thinking, wrong walking, which are discussed further in this chapter, are consider unrighteous in the sight of God.  Righteousness is more than a legal standing we have with God, it is fundamentally agreement with what he has decreed. In the place of my agreement with Him, I stand right before him. Since God is always right, Isaiah calls the people to return because their wrong thinking has led them into wrong paths.  The realignment begins with the invitation to come and eat.  

What has God said?  What is the word God has declared to you that you may hold doubt and the reasoning is diluting your confidence to declare God’s truth is right.  I think of the times that I’ve held my own doubts about something God has said.  Doubts left unchallenged, always lead to unbelief and unbelief stops you from moving forward in the God ordained path.  You might look good on the outside but God knows you’ve pulled over and parked. 

Jeremiah prophesied asking ”What fault did your fathers find in me, that you’ve strayed so far from me?”  They followed worthless idols and became worthless themselves.  Jeremiah goes on to say that they had forsaken the fountain of living waters and gone after other things. God asks “what injustice have you found in me?” Jeremiah continues, “For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living water, and they have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.”   

This dynamic occurs when we stop feeding on the God’s provision. We give ourselves to other things.  An evil heart of unbelief will cause us all to depart from the living God.  

As God sends forth his word, Isaiah likened it unto rain and snow that water (refresh) and bring forth seed to sow and bread to eat (provision).  The sower sows the word and man is satisfied by the fruit of his mouth.  “So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.  The one aligned with God goes out in joy and is led forth in peace.


Come and Dine

He sets a table before me in the presence of my enemy. 

Psalm 23:5

Psalm twenty three shows how a good shepherd cares for his sheep.  His pasture is always green and green speaks to life giving nourishment. The still waters not only refresh but rest and restore our souls.  

Jesus is the door for us to come in and out and find pasture.

Out of his own mouth he says, “if any thirsts, let him come to me and drink.”  The invite stands:

Come and feed. Come and drink,

I am impacted by this thought today:

This table sits prepared.

This table is before me. 

This table is before me IN the presence of my enemies. 

And My enemies are not invited to come and dine.

Since God sits in the heavens and laughs, think how unconcerned He is by the enemies strategies.  He declares “we are blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.”  Colossians 3:1, NLT says “let heaven fill your thoughts.”  

As we are seated at this table that he fills with his fullness, the only thing that can possibly be lacking would be our unshakeable trust and confidence in our place and provision found in Christ.  

By feeding on what the Father has prepared, we put ourselves in remembrance of every good thing we have been given.  Feeding challenges our weak places, strengthening us as we are renewed in Him.  Jesus tells us to feed on Him and live.  He is the bread of life the Father has given.  He is the all sufficient one.  

Isaiah asked why do you spend money on things that do not satisfy when you have an invitation to come eat and drink?

This table has been set with what the Father judges necessary for my well being. 

As a mom, I know what it’s like to prepare a meal and have my children pick and choose around the meal. I shouldn’t see the table he sets before us

as a buffet; I don’t think he’s asking, “Jeanne what do you want to eat?”  

I think one of the grievous things to the Holy Spirit is the way we often reject what he is trying to feed us.   The Table is always set with exactly what we need to eat.  Could it be, that delayed promises are simply a result of our stubborn refusal to eat what is set before us?

We have this wonderful invitation to come.  Not only does he provide the meal but He promises to come in and sup with us when we respond to his invitation.  He comes with his wisdom and understanding, his mercy and loving kindness, to help.  When my heart is overwhelmed and I cry out for help, He leads me to His provision

The invite stands. 

How will we respond?


Displaced Hope

“But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel. Yes, and besides all this, it is now the third day since these things happened.” 

Luke 24:21 ESV

This scripture tells the story of the two disciples on the Emmaus road, following Jesus’ crucifixion.  It relays that they are sad and when they meet this “stranger” they tell him about the the hope and expectation they had placed in Jesus.  

We had hoped..... we thought.... but we watched our hope die and it’s been three days.  

Displaced hope: We have all faced this, to one degree or another, and our response is often the same; one of confusion and ultimately left, sorrow.  The pictures we paint of reality for ourselves may or may not include the reality of God’s plans and purposes for us.  It is in those moments, where our picture isn’t lining up with our expectations, that we all stumble and bring sorrow to ourselves.  The question we must then face isn’t why has ‘this’ happened as we imagined, rather how do I deal with my disappointment.

Proverbs reminds us that hope deferred makes the heart sick and anxiety in the heart causes depression. Since hope is a heart issue, we must then be careful to attend to the issues taking place in our hearts. Expectation and hope carry the same meaning. Hope, from the Greek New Testament, means favourable and confident expectation. Hope has to do  the future. We don’t hope for what we see.  The most frequent use of the word Hope in the New Testament describes the happy anticipation of good.  

Must of us live with some defined expectations for our life in God. We believe in abundant life, health, prosperity and all around goodness abounding towards us. We know that in this world we shall have tribulation. We know we have an enemy that comes to steal kill and destroy but we believe that we have absolute authority over these things and somehow live with an expectation that our faith is given us to avoid adversity. Yet, we have to continually ask ourself if the pictures we’ve painted are God’s or simply our own interpretations.

A healthy individual will process the fall, shake it off and carry on without losing his “hope in God”.  A righteous man may fall seven times but rises again.  One who sits too long in the  reflection of “why” begins to shift his opinion about himself or God. Either one has disastrous potential. 

Our story today shows us how the crucifixion began to shift their mindset until they concluded Jesus was just “a man who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people....but we had hoped he was the one to redeem in Israel”. 

As I study this, I find that Jesus had spent days preparing these men and women for his death.  He had told them everything they needed to know.  He had given them the opportunity to be established in prayer so they would not succumb to the temptation to deny him and yet, even with all this, they still stumbled.   

Peter in his own disappointment returns, with most of the other disciples, to his previous career.  We all are in danger of removing ourselves from the plans and purposes of God when we don’t work through our own confusion and sorrow over our adversities.  

I love the conclusion of every event where Jesus finds his disciples in this place of sorrow and confusion.  He comes!  He opens the blind eyes to see. He comes as a loving reproof for slow and unbelieving hearts.  He comes with instruction that brings illumination and because he is the God of hope he fills every heart with all joy and peace in believing that we are able to abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Our future and our hope is once again placed in the proper source - we hope in God and we are not ashamed.  



Abiding simply stated means to remain or to continue to be present.  How do I continue to be present when my time and attention is required for someone or something else?  The same way that I would pray without ceasing.  By carrying the awareness of our Fathers heart, His thoughts and His ways, we continue to be present with him. To ask ourselves, what does the Father want me to see and learn about Him in this moment is a powerful way to learn his nature and his thoughts as we continue to feed upon his words.  

So much of our lives are lived on remote, doing without thinking, speaking without considering, yet this place of abiding holds the condition for our place of asking.  

  Who and what determines our desires?

Jesus’ instruction for prayer in Matthew 6 began with the exaltation of our Father.  His name glorified, a desire, a hunger for His kingdom and His will (seeking first) before we every get to the place of asking.   

What I am endeavouring to communicate today is abiding is a huge responsibility BEFORE asking.  If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will and it shall be done. 

We know that James and 1John admonish us, knowing His will gives us confidence in our asking.  We can’t know without attending to the word and abiding in Him for wisdom and revelation.  The letter kills but the spirit gives life. There must be daily communion with both word and spirit.

Abiding, we are enabled to live in John 14:13  “whatever you ask in my name, this I will do…..14: If you ask anything in my name I will do it.”

Jesus sets the standard for our asking to not only be done from this place of abiding, but requiring it to be done in his name.

The amplified translation of John 14:26 “the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf],….. “

shows us how the Holy Spirit conducts himself on behalf of Jesus. We can glean an insight into “in the name of Jesus” being more than casual use or religious terminology.  Do you see what is required to be IN the name of Jesus? In His place, representing HIM and then acting on His behalf are essential to using His name.   

This means, if Jesus were physically present this is exactly what He would do or say. That’s a huge responsibility.  No more off the cuff praying, but a sincere seeking to accurately represent Jesus is the moment. 

Our union with Him is to be so vitally abiding that we are confident we only do and say what we hear Him decree. We act from knowing. Jesus’ greatest desire was for us to be perfectly one with the Father, doing the greater works that glorify him.

If you abide in me and my words abide in you - you shall ask what you will and it shall be done. 


He's Always Right!

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes …… For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith…. Romans 1:16-17

For in it (the gospel) the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith”.  Literally the Greek reads from faith “into” faith.  In other words, Gods righteousness is revealed to those who have an eye to see and a heart to believe the gospel declared. 

How can you believe unless you hear and hearing leads us “into” faith or a place of believing God.  Our verse tells us today that this gospel reveals the righteousness of God to us and then tells us, “the righteous shall live by faith”.  From now on, because we have been made right in God’s sight, we do right, by faith.  We do what is right because we accept it is right by faith. I like the way the Amplified translation adds to the word righteousness; His way of doing and being right. 

All this is done by faith or believing what God has said.  Romans 3:22 reads “…the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe…”.  

It is the way of life to continually find ourselves choosing to believe Gods word above all other things (thoughts, feelings, natural realities) that present contrary evidence. I like this phrase from the book of Hebrews, “we understand by faith”.  Some things our head just doesn’t get, but our hearts receive and believe, and that’s okay, because Romans says it is with the heart one believes, not the head. 

We start with the heart, renew the mind and agree with God to live out His way of doing and being right.  How can two walk together unless they be agreed? 

Paul preached the gospel because it reveals God’s heart and mind. It is only by knowing the heart and mind of God and agreeing with Him that we are right in His sight with our words, actions and deeds.  Agreeing with Him will always leads us into salvation. 

Isaiah 55 shows us a people who are hungry and thirsty spending time, money and energy on things that cannot satisfy.  The prophet, by the word of the Lord, calls them back to a place of listening BECAUSE the way they were hearing, thinking and walking was are not in line with Gods thoughts or ways.  In returning and aligning with God they find Heaven’s rain bringing refreshment to their souls.  

As our minds our renewed to who He is and how he thinks, we are conformed and transformed into His image.   Just like Jesus was the exact duplicate of His Father in Heaven (“if you have seen me you have seen the Father”) we too are predestined to conform into the same image.  

Every moment, of every day, there is a word from these holy scriptures that will lead us and keep us established as the righteousness of God, (His way of doing and being right).   As we fill our hearts and minds with His word and presence, it becomes easier for the Holy Spirit to steer our lives into paths that are right in His sight.

The gospel is the power of God unto salvation revealing Gods way of doing and being right for all who believe, living with assurance that His way is the better way. 


There is a God and its not US!

For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.   Romans 1:21

Over the past few weeks I’ve been writing about the dangers of pride. The ultimate act of pride is to remove God from your world view replacing Him with yourself.  Today we focus on two thoughts found here in Roman’s one “…did not Honor Him as God “ and “…(not) give thanks to Him.”  I want you to note that proper order is not just acknowledging God’s existence but rather it’s in Honoring Him as God.  

We find, in previous verses from Romans chapter one, man’s lack of honor to God is absolutely without excuse. We learn ~ “what can be known of God is plain BECAUSE God HAS shown them.”  We are all able to see His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature since they are clearly perceived in things that have been made - nature - animal kingdom - human life, etc.  The Bible tells us all are without excuse. Without excuse from what?  Without excuse to honor God as God and then give Him thanks.  From Jeremiah 2:5 we find the Lord asking “What wrong did your fathers find in me that they went far from me, and went after worthlessness, and became worthless?”  We all know that we eventually become what we follow. 

Worship is our agreement with who God is.  “Holy. Holy. Holy. Lord, God, Almighty, who was, and is and is to come.” To Honor God, as God, is to magnify, praise and acknowledge His attributes.   There is something very humbling about being able to acknowledge there is a God and it’s not us.  We do not have the ability to save ourselves.  We might like to think we are in control and have all power might and ability, but let us not be deceived, whose power is it that we are graciously allowed to use? Whose name is it that every knee bows to?  Holding this awareness keeps all pride at bay.  When we try to take the glory and honor to ourselves we begin a slippery slope.   It is His power, His might, and His dominion, forever and ever, Amen. 

Ecclesiastes instructs us that God has set eternity in the heart of man.  There is, in us all, a God given grace to intuitively know the Creator and His ways.   Paul, taking advantage of a people serving an unknown God, preached in Acts 17,… “The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth does not live in temples made by man nor is he served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He himself gives to all mankind, life and breath and everything. He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on the face of the earth determining period and boundaries for them that they should seek after him and find him; for it is in Him that we live and move and have our being.”

We are exhorted from Psalm 100 to enter His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise.  We give thanks to Him and bless His name.  Paul wrote to the Thessalonians  “…in everything give thanks for this is the will of God…”.  Our ability to honor and thank God MUST be totally independent of any thoughts, feelings, emotions or immediate circumstances, good or bad. James wrote that every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of Light.  God is good and we have no good apart from Him.  It is the fruit of our lips giving thanks that is the sacrifice of praise God looks for in His children.  

We ascribe honor and give thanks to Him to remind our selves how great is our God.   Honor and thanks recalibrate the human soul and heart of man.  Because the people mentioned in Roman’s chapter one didn’t do these things “…their foolish hearts were darkened and they became (due process) futile in their thinking.” 

Without honor and thanks being given to God, man begins a progression into this place where he calls evil good and good evil.  This lack of honor and thanksgiving is the entrance into all the other unrighteous thoughts and acts, desires and pursuits listed in Romans 1:22-32.

Daily our worship begins with acknowledging who He is, that every good thing we have is BECAUSE of what HE has done. DAILY!   We honor HIM. DAILY!  In this place of honor we show a reverential fear  and understanding of Him.  We submit all that we are in this place of worship to the one whose mercy and lovingkindness provides us life and breath.  

Pay attention to who gets the glory and the thanks in your life.  Live aware that every good and perfect gift that comes to us, comes by the hand of God.  Let us remember all life and breath, all blessing, all goodness, all mercy, all help and deliverance, all love and care come ONLY because He is good and this daily remembrance keeps us calibrated to the heart and mind of God and absolutely free from the snare of any pride that would try to exalt itself above the knowledge God.   


The pride of Belshazzar

Now I Nebuchadnezzar, praise, exalt and honor the King of heaven for all His works are true and His ways just and He is able to humble those who walk in pride. 

Daniel 4:37 

I want to show you another example of God resisting the proud.  God will always humble those who walk in pride until we acknowledge He alone is worthy of all praise, honor and glory.

 In the book of Daniel, chapter five, we read the story of Belshazzar ~

4They drank the wine and praised the gods of gold and silver, of bronze, iron, wood and stone.5Suddenly the fingers of a man’s hand emerged and began writing opposite the lampstand on the plaster of the wall of the king’s palace, and the king saw the back of the hand that did the writing. 6Then the king’s face grew pale and his thoughts alarmed him, and his hip joints went slack and his knees began knocking together.  NASB


Belshazzar learns of Daniel who is then summoned to interpret the writing on the wall.  From verses eighteen through twenty of chapter five, Daniel rehearses the story of Nebuchadnezzars’ humiliation to Belshazzar. Verse twenty-two says something that always strikes my heart when it comes to family matters,


 “and you, his son Belshazzar, have not humbled your heart though you knew all this” but you have lifted up yourself against the Lord of heaven… but the God in whose hand is your breath, and whose are all your ways, you have not honored.”  


The Handwriting decreed the judgment of God and on that very night Belshazzar, the Chaldean King, was killed because he did not honor God. 


God always reveals himself for the purposes of life.  First Corinthian’s chapter ten and verse eleven exhorts us “…these things are written down for our instruction…” that we might not fall into the same temptations. Paul continued in verse twelve with “…let anyone who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.” 


For us all, the pride of life is ever present and is insidious. Insidious is a word we don’t often hear but it pictures a force proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with very harmful effects. Insidious is a mid sixtenth century word meaning ‘cunning’, from insidiae ‘an ambush or trick’, from insidere ‘lie in wait for’, from in- ‘on’ + sedere ‘sit’.  Pride of life is only found in this world and is not from the Father. It is a strategy of Satan and it is insidious. Could it possibly be the ultimate lie because it exalts the knowledge of self sufficiency?


As we experience success, notoriety, and our influence in other’s lives increase, we should be keenly aware, at all times, that any entrance we have is only by the favour of God.  


I am continually reminded these days of 1 Cor. 4:7 For who regards you as superior? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it? 


Living daily with the acknowledgement that we are nothing by ourselves and can do nothing apart from Him is humility and the only guard against pride taking root in our hearts.   


Let’s make sure, in all things and for all things, all glory, honor and praise goes to our Father. 



Humiliation of Nebuchadnezzar

28 All this came upon King Nebuchadnezzar. 29 At the end of twelve months he was walking on the roof of the royal palace of Babylon, 30 and the king answered and said, “Is not this great Babylon, which I have built by my mighty power as a royal residence and for the glory of my majesty?” 31 While the words were still in the king’s mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, “O King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is spoken: The kingdom has departed from you, 32 and you shall be driven from among men, and your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field. And you shall be made to eat grass like an ox, and seven periods of time shall pass over you, until you know that the Most High rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom he will.” 33 Immediately the word was fulfilled against Nebuchadnezzar. 

Daniel 4:28-33

My ESV bible calls this the humiliation of Nebuchadnezzar. I’ve been thinking about humility and pride lately and examining places in my own heart and mind where I am tempted to think higher of myself than I ought.

Proverbs 16:5 tells us pride of heart is an abomination in the sight of God. Proverbs 11:2 When pride comes then comes shamePoverty and shame are promised to him that refuses correction.  If you read the story about Nebuchadnezzar, in its full  context, you learn God had warned him a full year in advance from this occurring.  This is the goodness and mercy of God. 

We are all familiar with the exhortation from James and Peter where God resists the proud but I am not sure we all understand how absolutely wicked and abominable this is in the sight of God. 

The fruit of pride is always seen in rebellion.  God considers all disobedience an act of rebellion. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is as the sin of idolatry.   Pride exalts one’s will above Gods known expressed will.  We are shown the rebellion of Lucifier ~ I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God.  I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the North; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High. 

None of these places where given to Him by the Father. Iniquity was found in him. Pride of heart led the rebellion.  Jesus said I saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven.  God threw him out of heaven and Lucifier became Satan. In the garden he worked to deceive Adam and Eve and they rebelled. The fruit of their rebellion cost man a cursed ground to toil and separation from Gods life and the garden He had created for them to flourish in.

Pride is an abomination to the Lord and from James and 1 Peter we find the word opposes to mean an active resistance.  It was a military word used to describe the battle array of an army that came to fight.  God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Our admonition from James and Peter is to Humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, with the promise, He will exalt you.  

Humility hears and obeys.  God instructs and we humble ourselves. Humility always agrees with God and submits to the instruction.    Submission is always willing.  Humility is always prepared to understand whatever God says is for our well being.  God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.  Grace must be received by faith and we can’t even do that without first agreeing with God. 

Philippians instructs us to have this mindset, which is ours in Christ Jesus, in other words, in Christ Jesus we won’t have another mindset).  Jesus made himself of no reputation, became a servant and humbled himself by becoming obedient.  We can’t be humble if there is no obedience. Humility is seen in the act of obedience.  Pride is seen in rebellion.

Our scriptures regarding Nebuchadnzeer’s fall paints a story of true humiliation.  In his rejection of the word God gave him, and his refusal to repent, He declares His own power and His own majesty, setting himself up for one of the mightier falls recorded in scripture .

The lesson we all can learn is to beware of anything that would tempt us not to acknowledge every good and perfect gift coming to us from the Father in His goodness and mercy.     

At the end of the days I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted my eyes to heaven, and my reason returned to me, and I blessed the Most High, and praised and honored him who lives forever, for his dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom endures from generation to generation; all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, and he does according to his will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay his hand or say to him, “What have you done?”



Filled with what Spirit?

Recently David and I had the privilege of attending the 25th world Pentecostal conference held in Calgary.  The conference theme was “Spirit Now” and saw thousands attending from seventy-four nations.  I was struck by one of the speakers questions: “ What spirit are you filled with?“

We understand man is not just a body, but also soul and spirit. We know we have a human Spirit.  We understand there is a spirit that works in this world and then there is the Spirit of God, called the Holy Spirit.  We know that we are born again of the spirit, which is the work of the Holy Spirit who regenerates our dead spiritual condition, making our human spirit alive unto God.  

Second Corinthians 4:4 tells us that the God of this world works to hold man in darkness and influences us, according to First John, through the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life.  First John goes on to tell us these three things are not from the Father but are from the world itself. 

The Father’s answer, to help us live on this earth and not be deceived and controlled by these three lusts, was the gift of His Holy Spirit.  The Father poured out the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost for the empowerment of all disciples.  His command to his disciples before his ascension was to stay In Jerusalem until they were filled with the Holy Spirit. We see from the book of Acts, that the experience found in chapter 2:4 was not a one time encounter for them. 

Galatians, chapter 5 delineates exactly what it is to be filled with the spirit of the world versus the Holy Spirit. The fruit that the Holy Spirit brings forth in our life is there contrasted with the fruit of our flesh when filled with the spirit of the world. 

The Amplified Bible in Galatians 5:16 begins an exhortation for us Spirit filled believers to  “….walk and live habitually in the Holy Spirit (responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit) then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh (of human nature without God).  17.  For the desires of the flesh are opposed to the [Holy] Spirit and the [desires of] the Spirit are opposed to the flesh…”.    Verses 19-20 tell us the practices of the flesh are obvious as is the fruit seen in a Spirit filled believer. The Fruit of the recreated human spirit, as filled with the Holy Spirit, are listed in verses twenty-two and twenty-three.  

Ephesians 5:18 teaches us from the Greek, to constantly be being filled with the Holy Spirit. It is a present imperative in the Greek and this construction commands what must happen again-and-again (repeatedly) throughout the scenes of life. The present imperative commands ongoing action; a regular, long-term way of doing something as an ongoing lifestyle.  The process-action must happen again-and-again over life’s multiple situations.

Thus ~ continuously be filled with the Spirit – a continuous (non-stop) privilege,  not merely a one-time experience.

If we live by the Holy Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. [If by the Holy Spirit, we have our life in God let us go forward waking in line, our conduct controlled by the Spirit]. “  Gal. 5:25 Amplified.

Our dynamic and vital need today is to live a Christian life that is more than doctrinal belief systems. Pentecostals are spirit filled believers. That is a reality that displays a life filled, consumed, led, and directed by the person of Holy Spirit. Then, and only then, can we say we are truly believers filled with the Holy Spirit. 


Read your bible EVERY DAY

“But you must never stop looking at the perfect law that sets you free. God will bless you in everything you do, if you listen and obey, and don’t just hear and forget.” 

James 1:25 Contemporary English Version

  • Amplifed ~ But he who looks carefully into the faultless law, the [law] of liberty, and is faithful to it and perseveres in looking into it, being not a heedless listener who forgets but an active doer [who obeys], he shall be blessed in his doing (his life of obedience)

  • NLT ~ But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.

I think you know by now what a stickler I am for daily Bible reading. Not reading it like a book, or just to get through a yearly plan, but reading until the Holy Spirit makes a scripture alive to you.  Every time we read the word, there should be according to 2 Timothy 3:16, these things touching our heart; we learn doctrine, correction, reproof or a proving (establishing what you really believe) and instruction in righteousness.  The words inside our bible are living and life giving.  

Jesus said apart from me you can do nothing. We try to live successful lives by knowing principles and concepts without abiding in Him.  We fail to seek daily bread to be nourished and strengthened and grow frustrated when these principles and concepts don’t seem to work.  Again, Jesus said apart from me you can do nothing. 

How important is the reading of our Bible every day?   I ask this of myself; how bad do I want to be free, whole, saved, delivered, healed, at peace and rest?  Jesus said “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples,  and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. 

There is a word I need every day that leads or keeps me in freedom. It’s the Holy Spirits job to bring to our remembrance and teach us what Jesus has said.  My part is to keep the word abiding in me. The Bible says we perish and go into captivity because we forget the word. We walk around many times wanting a word from God and yet the very one who has been given to help us, who reveals the word, is the very one we neglect.  It is as we look into this perfect law that the Holy Spirit breathes on this word making it alive to us. 

Galatians 5:13 tells us we were called to freedom.   Hebrews 2:14 tells us Jesus destroyed the power of Satan and has set free ALL who have lived a lifetime of bondage.   It was for freedom that Christ has set us free BUT every freedom provided by Jesus must be received and then MUST be kept.  We are told to do this by standing firm. His word will empower us to do this.  As we look intently at this perfect law of liberty and do what it says, we are blessed. 


What’s the problem with Divorce?

Bear with me while we unveil a rather lengthy thought from the Apostle Paul. Please remember these thoughts are not about our past; it is under the blood, but they are about how we live this day and the choices we make through it.  

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, 8 which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight 9 making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ 10 as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth

Ephesians1: 7-10

I want you to see from verse nine, it is the desire of God for us to know the mystery of His will which he set forth in Christ as a plan for the fulness time. Paul wrote,  This is according to His purpose, which is, to unite all things in Him.  

If it’s the Fathers ultimate goal to have everything and everyone united as one, then we can begin to understand the problem with divorce from God’s perspective.  Divorce is simply a separation.  As my David says, divorce occurs in the heart before it ever shows up on a piece of paper or a closed door.  It is not easy to divorce someone naturally without first divorcing, some part of ourselves, from the Father.  

Jesus said divorce occurs only because of the hardness of heart. 

I know the church today is filled with men and women who have entered into legal separations and divorces, but these painful and life changing experiences can never supersede the heart and mind of God. There is a reason, beyond a mindless adherence to good behavior that caused the Lord, the essence of love Himself, to take the position of truth that He took: the destruction.  

God FULLY understands all aspects of divorce, the beginnings, the middle and the end.  He sees the pain, the rejection, the betrayal.  He nurses the wounded spirit and binds up the broken hearts. He works in the heart and soul of man to renew trust, validation, acceptance, placement, and love.  This doesn’t even begin to explain the damage done in the heart and mind of a child, or a wounded partner.  

In truth, all are damaged. After Pastoring for nearly 40 years, we have watched the pain that comes with divorce.  We’ve counseled couples, families, church members, and churches and the same root problem always exists ~ hurt and anger. And after all these years, we have not found one example of anyone escaping undamaged.  Our heart is to see, if at all possible, reconciliation.  Sometimes this is just not possible with what lies in the heart of man.  Today’s world is filled with violence and unfortunately it takes place in the home.  I’m not advocating for anyone to stay in a violent and abusive situation.  The bottom line is the peace we are called to live within our relationships.  I like to prevent the situation before it can occur by wise counsel and hearing ears.  Human love can be not only blind, but foolish as well.  

Malachi reminds us that God HATES divorce.  We are instructed to hate what God hates.  Why does God hate this?  The Bible says it covers ones garments with violence.  The admonition from Malachi 2:15 is to guard your spirit and not be faithless.  The issues flow from the heart.  Jesus said it was from the heart that evil occurs.   

Paul wrote that in the case of the unbelieving partner wanting to leave, the believer is to let them leave. God had called us to peace.  I’m not trying to be legalistic in any of this, simply biblical.  What God has joined together is not to be set apart by man.  How can two walk together unless they be agreed is not an admonition to separate but to find the place of agreement and unity.   Jesus’ final prayer on earth was that we would be one with the Father one with each other and by this display of love and unity all men would know we are His disciples.  He prays for us to become “perfectly one”.  Jesus ever lives to make intercession for us and I am confident this is an ongoing prayer of His in Heaven. 

Divorce from a spouse, a family member, a child, a life long relationship, wherever and whenever it occurs, absolutely works against God’s purpose of oneness.  Where God has set us and divinely connected us in His body, we are to remain and we remain as we stay vitally united to Him and with each other.  These relationships are to flow from the Head to our heart and renew our soulish realms.

I’m thankful that He is a God of mercy and there is grace that is available for all as we come to Him.  I’m thankful the blood of Jesus not only forgives and cleanses of all unrighteousness for me but it works in my spouse, family and other divine connections.

Let us be mindful; watchful, of every thought and feeling that would lead us to draw back and harbor offense.  Let us guard our mouths and not join with the accuser, throwing out words that sow strife and discord, but rather keep ourselves rooted and grounded in the love of God guarding the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.  

As much as lies within us, let us live peacefully with all ~ believe the best of each other.  


What shall I say?

Now my soul is troubled and what shall I say?  Father save me from this hour? But for this purpose I have come to this hour. Father, glorify your name.   

John 12:27

A crossroads is where you find yourself standing with the ability to take an alternate course.  A choice is required.  Do we choose to pursue a narrow way where the course before us is obscure and difficult or the wide, smooth and easy way?   What shall we say, “Father save me from this hour or glorify your name?”

I often think about the moments of crisis in Jesus‘s earthly ministry where it is so natural for man to desire avoidance. The Bible tells us Jesus was a man of sorrow acquainted with grief, betrayal and rejection and in it all, continually set his face to pursue his father’s purpose. 

Jesus said, Now my soul is troubled. At this crossroads that demands a choice, Jesus reminds us, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.  We are encouraged to pray that we do not enter into temptation.  A natural man would not choose this narrow path, but a dead man could.  Jesus, tempted in all points yet without sin, shows us we too can walk this road in our hour but must first answer this same question.  What shall I say, “Father save me from this hour or glorify your name?”

In John chapter 12 we find the beginning of the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry. He is preparing not only himself but the men to whom he has committed his life’s work. His hour, his crossroads stands before him. Facing the cross, understanding that a seed must die to bring forth life He chooses a narrow way that not only brought him life but provided the way for others. 

First Peter chapter 2 tells us Jesus has been set as an example for us to follow. It’s a very high standard. He tells his disciples in chapter 16 of John, “I have said all these things to keep you from falling away......I have said these things to you that when your hour comes you may remember that I told them to you.”

These words were sufficient to hold them steady in their hour.  His word remains sufficient to hold us and keep us from falling in our hour.  

Everyone one of us lives to face our own hour.  The question stands, What shall I say?  Save me from this hour or Father, glorify your name? 


Do I need to see to believe?

“Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples which are not written in this book, but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that by believing you may have life in his name.”

John 20:30-31

We all have seasons where we are tested to see what we believe.  They don’t come at times we have been thinking, “O I have a test tomorrow, I better prepare for it”.  

The test occurs in the most mundane of circumstances.  Usually seen in the needs or wants of others that require some kind of sacrifice of time, money, effort, or energy on our part. You know, the things that say to us, “Die to the flesh.”  We are all selective about when, where and how we choose to die. The test is in our first response to the moment. 

It is in these very times of testing our hearts reveal truth and we see how our lives our measuring up to the image of Jesus.  In every test the Father measures our capacity for increase, spiritual as well as natural. 

I love the gospel of John simply because it reveals hearts values and motivations so clearly.  In this gospel, John reveals the Father’s Heart to Jesus, Jesus’ to the Father, the Father’s to us, Jesus’ to us, and ours to others. Our scripture today says all these things have been written that we might believe. Jesus showed us how to live so we could live like Him and that by believing, you might have life in his Name.

The Apostle John wrote in his first epistle, “…What we have seen, what we have heard, what we have touched and handled, we proclaim.”   All of this is for the purpose of us entering into the same fellowship.  “And we are writing these things so that your joy may be complete”. 

Jesus appeared to the disciples following his resurrection proving He was alive.  Acts said this was proven “by many infallible proofs” so that he could establish in their hearts and minds that everything he had said and done was truth.   They saw, they heard, and they believed.  

Thomas was the disciple who said, “I will never believe unless I see.” Jesus response,  don’t be unbelievingDo you believe just because you have seen me?  A good question to ask ourselves: Do I need to see to believe?  Jesus said, Blessed are those what have not seen and yet have believed.  

These are written that you may believe and that believing, you may have life in his Name.  

Jesus came to give us life.  He is the way, the truth and the life.  We seek to see Him in the word that is written and it is sufficient for us to believe.   We need no proof of external evidence but he that has eyes to see, can see the hand of God in the smallest of acts.  

The further removed I am from the entrance of the word into my life, the less abiding I’m doing and Jesus said apart from me you can do nothing.  His words wash my mind, refresh and strengthen my heart, heal the brokenness and assure me of my Fathers love.  Natural life’s events cannot give me this.  There are things that Jesus wants us to see and hear that we will never see or hear without attending to the word and believing what has been written.  

The word was made flesh.  The word dwelt among them.  They beheld His glory.  They saw, they heard, they touched, and handled.  They wrote, and these things are written that you might believe and that believing you may have life in his name. 



Believing Is Required

Let not your heart be troubled, You believe in God, believe also in Me. 

John 14:1. ESV

Moffats’ translation says, “Let not your heart be disquieted”.  I think we can all acknowledge the reality that when our hearts are troubled we need to come back to the place of assuring ourselves that it is impossible for God to lie.  His word is forever settled in Heaven and His word is true. 

Jesus is telling his disciples that the words He is speaking are the ones that are to bring them comfort and stability in the days ahead.  These are the sure words to hold them when the storm hits.  

As new believers, our foundation must be built upon the infallibility of God and His word. For all of us, without this absolute confidence in His word being true, our foundation for anything to be built in us and through us by God can be hindered and limited.  Thus, we have Christians who are chronic in their conditions, physically, mentally and soulishly.  What can we do?  Believe in God.  Believe in Jesus ~ the word.  Believing is the cure.  If we choose to believe, all things are possible to Him who believes.  He who comes to God must believe!  This is primary for all and requires daily attendance. 

Jesus was the word made flesh.  In the beginning was the Word.  Wisdom and the word are synonymous.  Jesus’ own testimony was that He was THE TRUTH.  In his prayer to the Father, Jesus declares, your word is truth.   From Revelation 3:14 we find his own testimony again ~ The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God’s creation. He is the beginning and the end.  He is the Alpha and Omega. He is the First and the Last.  He is the one who starts all things by the power of His word and finishes it with that same word.  

When the Father declares His Word, He is sending forth Jesus to accomplish it.  Jesus is a finished work. Jesus has sat down on the right hand of the Father.  

All any of us need is the word from God.  Not simply something we can pick and choose from the bible, but The word that the Holy Spirit breathes on to make truth so very personal to us.  That is the sure word that goes forth out of His mouth that does not return void but accomplishes the very thing which HE sends it to do. 

Jesus is the beginning of all God’s creation.  In the beginning was the word.  This is a huge thought.  There can be no sure beginning of anything in our lives unless it is built from the word.  We see this very principal from Genesis.  In the beginning, God created — the Spirit was hovering and God said…. and it was.  Let not your heart be troubled.  Believe in God.  Believe in Me.  

Jesus is the Amen, the absolute agreement; the yes! to the word spoken from the Fathers mouth. He is the last word on the matter and we must rest in absolute confidence God has spoken.  He has sent His word.  It is working.   Let not your heart be troubled.  You believe in God.  Believe in Me. 
