Revelation waits….

For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.” 

Habakkuk 2:3 (NIV)


I like the way the NIV uses the word revelation.  Contextually, our verse speaks of something that has been made known.  Habakkuk prophesies this revelation ‘speaks of the end.’ 


Hopefully, we’ve all started our journey with God with a word that has defined our purpose.  We hold a revelation, wisdom from the heart and mind of our Father.  I heard this word described one time as the ‘preview’ of life.  A snapshot of the beginning and the end,  with very little known about the in-between because there are a lot of choices to be made there. 


Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith, Heb. 12:2.  He who began a good work shall complete it. Phil 1:6.  He is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, Rev. 1:8. These are just a few verses to help establish our understanding of the processes of God.  The middle is obscure because choice, free will, is the one gift we have been given by God that we do rule over. The exercise of that gift influences both our life’s times and the Word’s fulfillment. 


I want to focus on the word ‘revelation’ in relation to our need to know and understand everything in the middle of our journey. 


We all have our own timetable.  It is the preferred structure of our lives and the nature of our society.   Yet the biblical principle for us as children of God is to be content in the time (the 24-hour portion of it) that we are in.  Could delay be the timing of the Lord?  He does not tarry.  He has a day for everything He has planned. He does watch over His word to perform it.  

As the author and creator of all things, created by him, and for Him that He might have preeminence in all things, He desires to be first in our lives as well.   Proverbs tells us wisdom was with Him at the beginning. Wisdom builds the house. Wisdom fills the rooms. It is from His mouth that wisdom flows. 

Revelation comes to those who seek and inquire and it comes when needed, but it comes on God’s timetable.  In His wisdom and goodness, He works to keep us from all harm.

Jesus said to his disciples, I have many things to say, but you can’t bear them now, John 16:12.   There must be a preparation and a strength of heart to carry certain revelation.  Things entered into and possessed out of God’s time can be hurtful to us.  

Jesus preached, ‘Be anxious for nothing,’ Sufficient is the day’s trouble.’  Trying to resolve tomorrow creates its own anxiety. Every day has its own issues to resolve, so seek His kingdom first, his righteousness (amplified classic adds; his way of doing and being right), and everything else is added to you….in the timing of God.