Christ glorified not himself

Hebrews 5:5

“So also Christ glorified not himself to be made an high priest; But he that said unto him, you are my Son, today have I begotten you.  6: As he hath also said in another place, you are a priest forever.....”

While we can see here, and from other scriptures, Jesus did not seek man’s approval and never endeavoured to glorify himself in any way;  we do see in these two verses, that  Jesus did believe what the Father had spoken to him ~

You are my Son.  You are a priest forever.”

Each of us learn to believe the realities of who we have been made In Christ Jesus while learning that it is only in Him that we have any place of significance.  

He was made sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.  

We have nothing and are nothing outside of our position in Christ.  Jesus is the one who holds all blessings and as our lives are unified in him, with him, we have access to the blessings.   Ephesian’s chapter one highlights these truths ~

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing ....

.....He has blessed us in the beloved...... Him we have an inheritance 

Jesus said : All authority is given unto me.... any power we have access to is because it has been delegated to us.  The name of Jesus is not a signature on a blank check for us to use indiscriminately, but rather a position we operate from in His name.   In other words,  if Jesus we’re here this is exactly what He would do,  this is exactly what he would say.  Jesus said of himself, I only do what I hear, see, my Father saying, doing.  Jesus’ admonition to his disciples from John 15 was ......


We are not designed to be independent of the Father,  Jesus or His Holy Spirit.

The danger of religion is the pride it breeds in thinking we are something  special outside of Jesus, and while He makes all things beautiful, and we are precious and valuable in His eyes, the reality of our new birth is an identity established “In Christ”.

Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; created for His purposes to continue His will and His works on this earth. 

Your Kingdom come,  your will be done, is a heart felt desire to be vitally unified with our Father, His Son, and His Spirit, so others seeing us simply see the express image of Him, through us.  

What do we have that we have not been given?  Our boasting is in Him.