The Hour has come.....

This morning I was reading from the gospel of John, chapters fifteen and sixteen.  Jesus is preparing His disciples for His departure.  They don’t know what is getting ready to happen and they won’t understand the why. In the midst of these words, Jesus uses an illustration of a woman in labour who has sorrow because the hour has come but afterwards she has joy over the birth, John 16: 21-22.

As I was meditating on these things, David forwarded a video clip to me from Lou Engle.  He is telling about the instruction he has received from the Lord to end “The Call”.  I felt like I was watching this very scripture lived out before me as a perfect example of what Jesus was saying. 

What I saw watching this video was his absolute joy at what God was birthing through the next generation; his celebration over the new.  There was no sorrow coming from him at all.  His heart was engaged in this new role of Fathering ~ supporting and releasing the next generation so they could actually move into a “double portion” of all that had been labored for and sown. 

Our generation has primarily been a generation of plowers in this nation.  We’ve dug hard ground and made rough places smooth through our efforts, faith and prayers.  Now, do we come to this place of divine birthing by the Spirit of God and not have strength for the push?  Every woman who has every given birth understands the added pain and work of resisting the birth process. 

This year, I’ve watched some things unfold naturally, that I saw in 1980 by the Spirit of God as we sensed a call to this nation.  I was reminded of that time in my life in these last few weeks while in Ontario.  The Spirit of God is saying, “This, is that, Jeanne. The hour has come.”

Most of us are aware of the huge transition that is taking place in the Body of Christ, with one generation working to release the next.  We are seeing so many dynamics occurring in and through this.  We are seeing power struggles, push and pull over new methods replacing old.  Identity crisis over loss of titles and positions.  Fear and uncertainty of the future for those stepping aside and fear and uncertainty of those now leading being challenged at every decision. It is the birthing process and can only be done by and through the grace of God as those involved determine to birth a healthy baby. 

Jesus’ life was spent preparing a people to carry on His work.  How can we do less?

We talk often about being prepared for such a time as this, but this is the time.  We are now standing in, the moment God has birthed The New into our midst.  Shall we contend with what God has birthed through our own personal sorrow at some perceived personal loss?  NO!  Let us hold the heart and mind of the Father with the wisdom and the understanding that comes with the times.  To see and know clearly that this is the work of God and “to see Him again with our hearts rejoicing, knowing the joy no man can take from us.” 
