Do not fear what they fear, nor be afraid.

For the lord spoke thus to me with his strong hand upon me and warned me not to walk in the way of this people, saying: do not call conspiracy all that this people calls conspiracy and do not fear what they fear, nor be in dread.  But the lord of hosts, him you shall honor as holy.  Let him be your fear and let him be your dread.

  Isaiah 8:11-13

It’s ALWAYS about our ability to trust and rest in God.  Faith is nothing more than our heart condition which moves us to God, knowing He is our rewarder.  The fact that we acknowledge our need for Him and seek him, pleases Him.

Do not fear what they fear, nor be in dread!

What times I am afraid, the remedy is to still trust in God.  Coming into the assurance of His love and care, “perfect love”, drives fear out. Not allowing his word to depart from my eyes and keeping them in the midst of my heart continually reminds me of God’s faithfulness to His promises.  What I look at, what I feed on, has my attention.  It gets inside of me and alters my thinking.  

If we acknowledge the fear, the Spirit of truth works to reveal truth that will set us free as we attend to it.  This truth, shall not depart from our mouths, but as we meditate on this word, day and night to observe to do what it says, then we have good success.  

Titus, chapter one has this wonderful instruction about how to be sound in faith.  We don’t give heed to myths and commandments of men that turn us away from the truth.  They defile us and turn us from believing and we ultimately prove that we do not know God by our very actions.   Titus 1:14-16.  

It’s helpful to remember that Jesus gave his disciples all power over all the power of the evil one and nothing shall by any means harm us.  The Apostle John wrote in his first epistle the greater one lives in us!  These words must be met with a resounding yes and amen from our hearts, or the equal awareness that we do not believe them and then remedy that by attending to the word He sends us to heal and deliver.  

Because the word is a living seed, it grows when planted into our hearts.  Faith comes as the word is sown into our hearts and then watered.  Ultimately it will come out of our own mouths creating abundant life.  

I am confident in declaring that no matter what my circumstances may be, God is good. He is faithful to keep us and does not want us fearing any activity that threatens our quality or quantity of life.  I choose to stand honouring and fearing only Him. 

There is a name above every other name and it is the name Jesus. He is the way, the truth, and the life.   Let us continually hold his praises in our mouth, believing and fearing not.