"Lord, save me.”  

But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.”   Immediately Jesus reached out His hand and took hold of Peter…..Matthew 14:30-31


I'm celebrating Peter for stepping out of the boat.  I'm celebrating Peter for trying to follow Jesus' example.  I'm celebrating Peter for learning that Jesus is a Savior and God's mercy will always catch you.  

Fundamental to a healthy relationship with our heavenly Father is an understanding of who He is.  The purpose of Jesus on this earth was not only to redeem mankind but to reveal His Father.  Family is huge to Him.  Belonging and a sense of well being which produce security in us all begins with understanding that He is good, He is good to all, and He is good all the time. 

We must, must, MUST begin to operate from a place of wholeness in our hearts and souls in order to raise a generation holding undaunted confidence in who our Father is and what He has created us and them to be; unstoppable, mountain climbing, overcoming, giant killers!  Fearless in the face of adversity because we are so rooted and grounded in the love of the Father that His goodness to can not be shaken fromour minds. 

From our scripture today, we see this lesson as Peter learns the true nature of not only Jesus but ultimately the nature of the Father.  Jesus was the express image of God and when we see Jesus we see the Father in thought, in word, in action.  

Peter, like all of us, steps out in faith with that innocent trust that He can do what he sees Jesus doing.  As long as he keeps his eyes on Jesus nothing is impossible to Him.  He’s walking on water.  We know this; it is only as Peter takes his eyes off Jesus and begins to look at the circumstances taking place around Him that he is moved by what He sees.  His focus is diverted.  His attention captured and held and the result is fear.  

It is in this very place that He cries to the one He believes can save Him.  Did you ever notice he didn’t holler for the guys in the boat?  Peter is learning some things.  He’s learning Jesus is a very present help in time of need and that’s good.  He’s learning Jesus saves and that’s good.  He’s learning that He imparts wisdom without condemnation, correction with love and that’s not just good it’s great.  

I trust as we all continue our personal journeys that we come to know and believe the love He has for us, experience His goodness and find the safety and security we need to be open hearted and open handed to others just as He is to us.  



