Where is the god of justice

I keep coming back, in this last weeks Bible reading, to Malachi Chapters 3&4 . (Well, I actually haven’t made it to 4 yet and I do keep leeching back up into chapter 2, so it may take a while to finish my self designated task here.) When I began decades back as a bible reading believer, I read for volume and found broad content as I moved along. These days, it seems I stop and look at every bolt and rivet in some kind of awe as to how all those little pieces hold the structure together. I don’t get far, quickly, anymore.

This morning, centring on 3:1’s “Behold”, I look uphill to see what it is I’m supposed to stare at. I realise the thought is anchored right above verse 1 in the last two sentences of chapter 2: “Everyone who does evil is good in the sight of the Lord.” And “Where is the God of justice?”

“Behold” is anchored there, but the progression of thought in chapter 3 verses 1-4 are the chain links tying the the questions to their answer found in verse 5.

I’m afraid I’ve used many words to get to my point today, namely that anytime society is saying God blesses the evil and does not enforce justice (like now) requires a new message of repentance, beginning at the household of God. Especially beginning with the leaders in the household of God. Long before society in general can begin to be held accountable to righteous standards, those representing Him have to be held accountable.

One might ask why, and I think there are layered reasons for this, but the chiefest reason is that God requires a righteous and just people who both validate, and are validated by Him to carry forth His work on the earth.