Has God Really Said?

‘Has god truly said’ is the foundational question to be tested in our life. This testing is designed to destroy our allegiance to God and transfer our trust to another and thereby move us into a different kingdom.

A kingdom where reason rules instead of faith. A realm where perception displaces truth.

The question comes in many non-verbal forms too. The greatest of these may be ‘if God had actually said (if God truly loved me, if God was really there) then my life’s circumstances would not appear this way.’

Every life will be tested, and each will be tested in it’s own unique way, designed to take maximum advantage of the tested one’s own weaknesses and fears. There is no corporate, church wide, the whole class passes, way around this.

Do know this though. The God who came looking for Adam in the cool of the day is always and fully present. He has said I will never leave you nor forsake you. He has said that with every temptation, He makes a way of escape that you may bear it.

It’s my sincere hope and prayer, that regardless of your life’s current situation, you find it within yourself- within your walk with him and others, to not judge Him who keeps your soul after your own pain, fears or experiences.

We’re told Jesus kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges justly. We’re exhorted in the same general passage to entrust our own souls, our own personalities, our unique identities, to a faithful creator.

He is not a man, He will not lie. His words will not fall to the ground. He can be trusted.
