There's a Battle going on...


“..All too quickly the attractions of this world and the delights of wealth, and the search for success and lure of nice things come in and crowd out God’s message from their hearts, so that no crop is produced.”   Mark 4:19 Living Bible




The level of wholeness operating in my life is directly related to the level of word working in and through me.  The word that I have received, believed and allowed to become a part of me is the word that is at work in me.


The very first temptation was over the word. “Has God really said?”

The ability to walk through the Red Sea on dry ground lay in obedience to the word.

Naaman’s healing lay in His obedience to the word.

The miracle at Cana lay in the servants obedience to the word.

Peters ability to pay his taxes lay in obedience to the word.


All through the Bible we read of man’s well being resting on His choice to believe and obey the word.  


Jesus is called a firm foundation.  One; when built on, we are promised not to be blown away by the storms of this life.  Isaiah calls Jesus the stability of our times, the abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge, which tells me everything we need is found in Jesus and his word.


Our prosperity is something that the Lord delights in, but since He is not a man He does not equate prosperity with the dollar figure attached to our lives.  Prosperity is seen as our minds are renewed to Him and His word. Beloved I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.  As our souls prosper we are in health.  We become whole.  We are saved, nothing broken, nothing missing; at peace and this is true prosperity.  No wonder proverbs tells us wisdom is the principal thing.  Get wisdom! 


There’s a battle going on for the priority of the word in our lives. Satan, from Mark 4, comes immediately to steal the word being sown. How does Satan steal the word? All too quickly the attractions of this world and the delights of wealth, and the search for success and lure of nice things come in and crowd out God’s message from their hearts, so that no crop is produced.”  It’s not the “bad” that robs us, it is simply the busy of life, just the absence of the one thing which has the power to heal and deliver us.  Jesus is the author and giver of life. 


He sends His word.  His word is filled with grace and gives us life, abundant life, when we abide in Him and His words abide in us. Our greatest need is to know what the word says about our situation? We just have to take the time to search it out.